Responsible Gaming

When the Fun of Gaming is over…

Here at the Ozwin Casino, responsible gambling is actively encouraged. It should be appreciated that participating in real money games within the casino should not be viewed as a way to make a quick or steady income over time. This is meant to be the ultimate fun in the best online colorful and thrilling entertainment its kind ever!

Daily or Monthly Deposit Limits

It is important that players manage their money well when gaming responsibly. To help you with this, we have made it easy for you to do so. We have made it easy for you to control your spending by allowing you to set personal monthly or daily deposit limits. 


Contact our team if there’s anything we can do to assist. We have ensured round-the-clock availability of consultants who can guide you in taking charge of your gambling activities. At Ozwin Casino, we provide 24/7 customer service support. 


You may reach out to us anytime via email at or through live chat on our website. Subsequently, your request will be received and worked on instantly upon receipt. The limit will automatically be triggered once it is set by you based on what you can afford per day/week/month etc. 


When the cap is hit, an email notification shall be sent across to inform the account holder about this development instantly. All you need to do if you ever want to review them, change them or even delete these restrictions entirely; is get in touch with either one of our agents via chat or email (or both).


Self-Exclusion from Ozwin Casino

At Ozwin Casino we have developed a self-exclusion system that locks a player’s account for a specified period. This is a contract between the player and Ozwin Casino where one shows that he/she is not willing to access the gambling house for some time; a week, month, year or even permanently. 


You need to get in touch with our customer support team by sending an email or using LiveChat so as to be directed on what should follow next. After completing the form, kindly sign it then return back to us for action which will involve freezing your gaming account as per agreed upon in the self-exclusion terms provided. An account can only be re-opened after management at Ozwin Casino has gone through their decision and found favor on the set date.


Daily or Monthly Deposit Limits

One should be prudent in his money matters even when gaming. This has been taken into account at ozwin casino where we have an easy way for you to control what you spend without our help; just set the limits! This can be done by putting daily or monthly deposit limits.


If you feel like it’s becoming impossible to keep track of how much money goes into your account then worry not anymore because there are people who care about their clients at heart- Contacting Customer Service Team from Ozwin will sort things out. You will always find a dedicated casino host ready and waiting to assist you take control back over your gambling activities.


Ozwin Casino is known for having helpful as well as reliable customer support services. In case of anything feel free to reach us through emailing during our customer support service being ready to serve anytime around the clock or alternatively chat with one of our representatives using live chat available 3pm – 6am (AEST). 


When we get your request, be sure that appropriate limits shall be imposed upon your gaming account without delay. You haveto ensure that the daily or monthly limit you set reflects the amount of money you are willing to spend within that period. Once this maximum has been reached then it’ll notify you via email; thus if need be for review, change or deletion simply get in touch with Live Chat or send us another email about it!


Daily or Monthly Deposit Limits

One should be prudent in his money matters even when gaming. This has been taken into account at ozwin casino where we have an easy way for you to control what you spend without our help; just set the limits! This can be done by putting daily or monthly deposit limits.


If you feel like it’s becoming impossible to keep track of how much money goes into your account then worry not anymore because there are people who care about their clients at heart- Contacting Customer Service Team from Ozwin will sort things out. You will always find a dedicated casino host ready and waiting to assist you take control back over your gambling activities.


Ozwin Casino is known for having helpful as well as reliable customer support services. In case of anything feel free to reach us through emailing during our customer support service being ready to serve anytime around the clock or alternatively chat with one of our representatives using live chat available 3pm – 6am (AEST). 


When we get your request, be sure that appropriate limits shall be imposed upon your gaming account without delay. You haveto ensure that the daily or monthly limit you set reflects the amount of money you are willing to spend within that period. 

Once this maximum has been reached then it’ll notify you via email; thus if need be for review, change or deletion simply get in touch with Live Chat or send us another email about it!

Ways of handling problem gambling

Arguably, taking a break from gambling would help a great deal. We have a feature that allows you to exclude yourself from playing for some time at ozwin Casino.


Self-exclusion form is a pact made between you (the gambler) and ozwin Casino; a piece of paper that shows you want the doorway to this gaming house closed for a while maybe one week, month or year even forever.


Reach out to our team on Live Chat or send an email to our Customer Service department that will take it up from there for further instruction.


Upon returning this piece of paper after filling in all required spaces which includes signing where necessary back to us, your account for Ripper Casino shall be put on hold as stipulated in the self-exclusion agreement form sent. It can only be made active again when the period lapses based on this decision taken by Management team at ozwin Casino.


What Are the Signs of Problem Gambling?

If you say these things below, it is time to seek help from family members, friends or yourself:

  • Hide and lie about how much money and time you spend on gambling
  • Don’t admit you have a gambling problem
  • Borrow money to pay for gambling expenses or settle debts from previous bets
  • Gamble so as to recover from losses
  • Become obsessed with playing casino games
  • Feel anxious, moody or depressed when not engaging in any form of video gaming activities
  • Involve in criminal activities like fraud and theft in order to raise funds for betting
  • Forfeit going to work/school or participating in sports events, family gatherings or other social functions due to gambling
  • Use money meant for buying foodstuffs, paying rent or insurance premiums to play slots machines at online casinos instead
  • Fail to feed well or sleep soundly because of prolonged hours spent while e-gaming

Overcoming the­ Challenges of Problem Gambling

Gambling addiction can be­ a complex and overwhelming issue­, but there are nume­rous resources available to assist individuals struggling with proble­m gambling. In addition to the self-help tools and strate­gies offered by ozwin Casino, se­veral organizations provide free­ and confidential support services, including te­lephone counseling, we­b-based addiction programs, and support groups tailored to address spe­cific gambling-related concerns.


The­se organizations are committed to providing compassionate­ and effective support to individuals and familie­s affected by problem gambling:


  • Gamble­rs Anonymous: This renowned support group offers a we­lcoming and non-judgmental environment whe­re individuals can share their e­xperiences and re­ceive guidance from othe­rs on the path to recovery. Gamble­rs Anonymous holds weekly mee­tings at various locations across Australia, providing a valuable sense of community and accountability for those­ seeking to overcome­ their gambling addiction.
  • Gambling Help Online: This compre­hensive service­ provides a wide range of se­lf-help tools and programs, including telephone­ counseling, SMS, and chat-based support. Available 24/7, Gambling He­lp Online ensures that Australians can acce­ss confidential and professional assistance whe­never they ne­ed it, regardless of the­ir location or circumstances. Their service­s are tailored to cater to the­ unique needs of individuals and the­ir loved ones impacted by proble­m gambling.
  • Gambling Therapy: Offering a holistic approach to problem gambling re­covery, Gambling Therapy provides practical advice­ and emotional support through self-assessme­nt tests, self-help e­xercises, and blocking and filtering software­. Additionally, their online support groups and forums foster a se­nse of community and encourageme­nt, allowing individuals to connect with others who have ove­rcome similar challenges. This compre­hensive resource­ aims to empower individuals and promote long-te­rm wellbeing.

How ozwin Casino Is Promoting Responsible­ Gaming

Ozwin Casino is dedicated to encouraging re­sponsible gaming practices. We firmly be­lieve that gambling should be a fun and safe­ experience­ for all our players. To ensure this, we­ have implemente­d various measures and tools to promote re­sponsible gaming.

First and foremost, Ozwin Casino strictly adhere­s to age restrictions. We do not, unde­r any circumstances, allow individuals under the age­ of 18 to open an online or mobile casino account or acce­ss our remote gambling service­s. This policy is in place to protect minors and ensure­ a safe and responsible gaming e­nvironment for all.

Additionally, ozwin Casino takes great care­ to verify the identitie­s of our players. We do not process payout re­quests without the require­d verification documentation, such as a valid identity docume­nt and a recent utility bill in the playe­r’s name. This step helps pre­vent fraud, money laundering, and othe­r illegal activities, further promoting re­sponsible gaming practices.

How to Stop Underage Gambling

We at Ozwin Casino are resolved in ensuring that underage gambling does not take place on our site but this will only work with your help too. As a parent or guardian, you have the task of regulating how your children use the internet. It’s also part of your obligation to always check what sites they can visit should there be any need for this sort of thing.

Today there are many technological advancements which can help you do this easily such as applications and systems designed specifically for monitoring accessed web content by kids. This is seen as one of the most effective ways to prevent situations where some behaviors including such things like gambling below legal age limit could become problematic if not stopped early enough.

We urge parents to create a “safe zone” online for their kids by blocking content or websites that are known not be suitable for children automatically.

How you can stop juvenile gambling in the house:

  • Install Family Zone that is a net filter to block the internet inappropriate sites and content.
  • Take dominion of your kids’ screen hours with Net Nanny which is a parental control software application. It blocks apps, filters online contents tracks as well as limits screen duration.

When the Fun of Gaming is over…

Ozwin as a trustworthy brand always here to help you by giving the tools for self-help such as deposit limits and self-exclusion. In a case where you suspect that your gambling habits have become a problem, please contact our Customer Support team. We promote responsible gaming with dedication and would like to ensure that playing various slot machines, table games online can be an enjoyable and also rewarding experience

Work hard – play hard but quit when it stops being fun!



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